Our Marketing Strategy
Our strategy is to focus strongly on high impact marketing concentrating on the eastern suburbs. Research confirms the majority of buyers of eastern suburbs residential real estate currently live in the area.
To ensure potential purchasers know your property is for sale we utilize direct marketing to residents surrounding the property (they might not be actively looking at real estate advertisements but might, if made aware of the sale, purchase for a relative/friend or investment); target advertising, to purchasers who are actively
looking to purchase, in the Wentworth courier, window display, signs, internet through our website wyattrealty.com.au and Domain.com.au. We can also create marketing video’s for your property which coincides with your properties own URL which is linked to your listing.
(http://www.agentport.com.au/video/site/id/1736) (http://www.8billongavenuevaucluse.com/)
We also utilise public relations through our extensive list of prospective purchasers database of clients, who have expressed and interest in a property such as your own, will be contacted by telephone or email.
For any potential clients who live outside of our high impact marketing area of the eastern suburbs we will use our priority placement on Domain.com.au to ensure your property is top of the list when potential purchasers are looking for similar properties via the web.
Your property will be marketed nationally and internationally through our website wyattrealty.com.au which outlines all the details of your property as well as extensive colour photos.